Sunday, March 22, 2009

Top Ten . . . .?

Ooooh . . . I like this . . . everyone must list a top ten. Mine will be: Beth's Top Ten Rock Bands

1. Guns and Roses

Because Slash is hot.

2. Rolling Stones

Because Mick is still wearing tight pants to perform.

3. Michael Jackson (clearly using the term "band" loosely)

Because of "Billy Jean" and "Thriller." Enough said.

4. Beatles

Because people will freak out if they aren't listed in the top 5 of any list.

5. Pearl Jam

Because I still have embarrassing flashbacks from my junior high dances.

6. Toadies (also using the term "rock" loosely now . . .)

Because they sing about scary crazy people.

7. Oasis

Because I still remember every word to "Wonderwall."

8. Pixies

Because they are like the Toadies, only famous.

9. Metallica

Because I don't want to admit that I listen to my Aerosmith greatest hits album more than my Metallica S&M CD.

10. Big Al Carson and the Blues Masters

Because I'm exhausted and can't think of any more rock bands . . .

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